
The Journal

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The Books





 Radstats publications on ethnic issues



Access to banking services and credit for UK ethnic minorities, refugees and asylum seekers


Robert Moore

Radical Statistics 75: 16 - 24

'We were the First Greens': Irish Travellers, recycling and the State


Colin Clark and Micheál Ó'hAoda

Radical Statistics 73
Spring 2000

Ethnic inequalities in health


James Nazroo

Inequalities in Health, Chapter 12

Can we ever rely on refugee statistics?


Oliver Bakewell

Radical Statistics 72
Autumn '99

Where are the statistics on the Iraqi health disaster


Walid Abdul-Hamid

Radical Statistics 72
Autumn '99

Ethnic statistics: better than nothing or worse than nothing


Waqar Ahmad

Statistics in Society, 1999, Chapter 16

The religious question: representing reality or compounding confusion ?


Joanna Southworth

Statistics in Society, 1999, Chapter 17

The racialisation of ethnic inequalities in health


James Y Nazroo

Statistics in Society, 1999, Chapter 25

New Labour and ethnic monitoring in policing


Paddy Hillyard

Radical Statistics 70 Winter '98

Counting backwards: the Roma 'numbers game' in Central and Eastern Europe


Colin Clark

Radical Statistics 69 Autumn '98

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