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Radical Statistics 79/80 Summer/Winter 2002

Minutes of the Radical Statistics AGM
Deconstructing welfare dependency: The case of Australian welfare reform Paul Henman
The presentation of statistical information in the broadsheet press John Martyn
Child pedestrian accidents in the UK: Monitoring the UK Government's Road Safety StrategyPaul Hewson
Comments on the draft code of practice for National StatisticsRay Thomas
‘Race’ Statistics: Theirs and Ours Ludi Simpson
Unemployment: How official statistics distort analysis and policy, and why David Webster
Planning with numbers: The National Grid for Learning. Statistical support for a technological fix for schools in the information age? Claire Tupling
Targets or tracers? The role of numbers in public policy Tim Blackman
The Statistics Commission's first end-of-term report Ulric Spencer
What do Greek official statistics on migrants and crime really show us?Georgios A. Antonopoulos
The neglected evidence of housing market discrimination in the NetherlandsManuel B. Aalbers
News / Comment
Bill Gates and my part in his downfall
(and how we need more help with the web-site)
Paul Hewson
Radical Statistics Critical Essay Competition

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