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Minutes of the Radical Statistics AGM

16th February 2002

Minute taker: Jay Ginn

  1. Minutes of 2001 AGM agreed as correct. No matters were raised other than those on this agenda
  2. Activities in 2001
  1. Membership: Pete Latarche (PL) presented his report and urged that all members pay by Standing Order, to save administration costs.
  2. Finance: Treasurer's report was tabled in her (KM's) absence. It was now evident that the year 2000 was unusual, as this year subs income covered the Newsletter and finances were healthy. Members were asked to state details of any claims/cheques when sending to KM. Agreed to merge the two deposit accounts into one. Action KM
  3. Newsletter: Colin Clark (CC) reported the Spring 2002 issue would be out very soon and asked the group to consider moving to two larger spined issues per year. These cost about £300 more than the traditional 80 page format and a reduction to two issues per year would reduce contact with subscribers. On the other hand, a spine with writing would make sales to libraries easier and mailing only two issues would save on postage, as well as easing the workload of the editors. Agreed that editors would verify costs according to number of pages for spined issues with writing on the spine and make a proposal to the Troika; options would then be outlined in the Newsletter and on the list for comment with a view to deciding at the 2003 AGM or earlier at editors' discretion.

    Action EDITORS

    Agreed to send out Radstats leaflets to members on request, with Able-Labels to update PL's address. Action PL

    Agreed to approach bookshops to take copies. Action TROIKA

    Members were urged to help in providing/commissioning good articles. Editors were asked to liaise with 2003 conference organiser to ensure the conference was advertised in the Autumn 2002 issue. Action ALL

  4. Email list. Alison Macfarlane (AM) reported the list had about 300 members, and a modest overlap with Radstats subscribers. She proposed encouraging subscribers to join the e-list and e-list members to subscribe to Radstats; and making the Introduction to new e-list members more welcoming. Agreed.
  5. Action AM

    The meeting discussed creating a second e-list for longer, more detailed discussions. After discussion, Jay Ginn (JG) proposed to retain the single list and rely on AM's good judgment to moderate the list, advising on good practice to individuals off-list and in general terms on-list. Agreed.

  6. Website. A joint report by Ray Thomas (RT) and Paul Hewson (PH) was tabled. RT outlined positive developments in the website, including mounting back issues of the Newsletter. For articles published before Summer 1998 (issue no. 68) authors need to supply an electronic copy to PH. For articles where there is no electronic copy available, RT appealed to members with scanning facilities to offer to scan in back issues, so these could be added to the website. Any other relevant material for the website should be sent to PH. Action ALL
  7. Group reports/other. AM reported on sales of the Unofficial Guide to Official Health Statistics. RE said a Radical Statistics book on the Census was planned.

Activities for 2002.

  1. Russell Ecob reported on the progress of the Critical Essay Competition and asked for volunteers for a Panel of Judges to assess entries.
  2. RT proposed forming a Working Group to co-ordinate responses by Radstats and other organisations to the Code of Practice for Official Statistics. AM, Humphrey Southall (HS) and RT volunteered. RT and AM were thanked for their critiques of the Code of Practice.
  1. Motion from JG: Radical Statistics endorses the letter of protest at the raid on the Palestine Statistics Bureau by the Israeli military, which was sent by Janet Shapiro to the Israeli government on behalf of subscribers. We authorise the Troika to make or assist protests of this nature in the future. Agreed
    It was agreed that letters be sent to the Israeli Bureau of Statistics and the International Statistics Congress. Action TROIKA
  2. Elections
    1. Troika: RT and JG stood down after a 3-year term.
    2. HS, Helen Meszaros and Robin Rice joined RE.
    3. Newsletter editors: CC and Seraphim Alvanides continue
    4. Treasurer: KM continues
    5. Auditor: Helen Anderson continues
    6. Weborganiser: PH continues
    7. Listowner: AM continues

HS proposed employing a Publicity Officer to disseminate research findings of Radstats members to the press. After discussion, it was agreed to leave this for the Troika to consider carefully. Action TROIKA

Thanks were expressed to all officers for their work in 2001 and to Dave Byrne for organising a most successful conference.

Conference 2003: Topics suggested included 'Democratising Access to Statistics' and 'Statistics of Privatisation'. An organiser will be sought. Action TROIKA

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