Cuts & Corporations: Radstats Conference

Cuts and Corporations is the theme of the 2011 Radical Statistics conference in Leeds on Saturday 26, February.

Unkindest Cuts: Analysing the effects by gender and age
Jay Ginn & Susan Himmelweit

From Tatton to Tameside: How national changes to welfare benefit rules have a differential impact on local communities
Alan Franco

Distributional Impact of the 2010 Spending Review
Howard Reed

Detrimental effects of corporate influence on science and technology
Stuart Parkinson

Effects of the libel laws on science
Peter Wilmshurst

Redefining wealth, redefining progress
Victoria Johnson

Activity workshops
Libel in science / Indicators of social progress / Cuts in statistics / Impacts on inequalities

Visit the conference site for booking, programme, social events, map and accommodation.